Week 23

Monday 31st August

1) We read "Saving and delivering lives" last week.

What do you remember about Sophie´s job?

Click here and follow the instructions to record a video.

👉record video 

Donde dice Student username, ingresar: nombre del alumno.apellido (Ejemplo: maria.fernandez)

Read the task and record your video. 

2) Read "The boy who cried fire" for our Zoom meeting on Thursday.
Underline the words you don´t understand.

Wednesday 2nd September

1) Writing a story

We talked about story writing in our Zoom lesson last Monday.
Now, it´s time to WRITE!

Thursday 3rd September

1) Reading comprehension "The boy who cried fire".

Friday 4th September

1) Enter this link and do the activity. 


Watch the video and complete the gaps every time it stops.

Be careful!! Use the Present perfect tense and JUST!

Have a lovely weekend!!
