Hello kids! How was your 
loooong weekend? 
Did you rest and relax?

Let´s get ready to work hard now!💪

Wednesday 17th June 

1) Listening comprehension

Students´ book, page 46
(Realizar la actividad en el documento, una vez descargado y enviar al mail)

Listen and complete 👉 (Click here)
Audio 👉 (Click here)

Thursday 18th June

1) Activity to do AFTER the Zoom lesson of the day. 
(Actividad para realizar DESPUÉS de la clase de Zoom del día) 

Animals project
(las instrucciones están en el archivo adjunto)

Friday 19th June

1) We will read chapter 5 from Geronimo Stilton in our Zoom lesson.
After reading, you will do an activity about Brazil.

Chapter 5 👉(Click here)

Miss Marian & Miss Vale