Hello Kids!
We want to tell you that we are happy to see you working so hard.
You make us feel proud!
These are the activities for this week.
Monday 4th May
1) We will continue working in the students´book.
This time, we´ll work on activities from page 26.
-Activity 1: Watch part 1 of the story video.
-Do activities 1, 2 and 3.
2) Students´book, activity 4.
Look and write 2 sentences to set the scene of a story. Use the Simple past and Past continuous tenses.
We will correct all the page in our Zoom meeting on Thursday 7th. (Corregiremos la actividad y hablaremos sobre el tema en nuestra clase de Zoom del jueves)
Wednesday 6th May
1) Study these verbs and their meaning.
Thursday 7th May
1) Grammar
Revision: Simple past and past continuous. Open this document, download it and do the activity.
👉(click here)
(Descargar el documento y completarlo en el mismo archivo)

Nota para padres (click here)👈
Friday 8th May
1) Literature
We will continue working with Geronimo Stilton "Rumble in the jungle!"
If you don´t have your book at home, don´t worry.
Pay attention to this presentation and listen to Miss Vale reading aloud.
Activity 👉(click here)
Descarguen el archivo (word) y habiliten edición. Que escriban las respuestas en el mismo documento, por favor
2) Students´book, activity 4.
Look and write 2 sentences to set the scene of a story. Use the Simple past and Past continuous tenses.
We will correct all the page in our Zoom meeting on Thursday 7th. (Corregiremos la actividad y hablaremos sobre el tema en nuestra clase de Zoom del jueves)
Wednesday 6th May
1) Study these verbs and their meaning.
Thursday 7th May
1) Grammar
Revision: Simple past and past continuous. Open this document, download it and do the activity.
👉(click here)
(Descargar el documento y completarlo en el mismo archivo)

Nota para padres (click here)👈
Friday 8th May
1) Literature
We will continue working with Geronimo Stilton "Rumble in the jungle!"
If you don´t have your book at home, don´t worry.
Pay attention to this presentation and listen to Miss Vale reading aloud.
Activity 👉(click here)
Descarguen el archivo (word) y habiliten edición. Que escriban las respuestas en el mismo documento, por favor