Week 3


1) Watch this video (click here)
2) Answer these questions 
(send answers to quinto.primaria@strinidad.edu.ar)

a) Who were at the restaurant?
b) What were they doing?
c) What was Julia doing when the jar slipped out of her hands?
d) Why was everyone staring at Julia?
e) What did she realize while she was waiting to pay?
f) What was Julia doing at 8 p.m yesterday?
g) What did Julia's brother do to help Mrs Brown?
h) Why was Mrs Brown hurt?

Do you remember now?

2) Print and do this activity (click here)

3) Writing sentences

What were you and your family doing last Monday at 11.30 in the morning?
Write as many sentences as you can!

(Send the sentences to the email)

 4) Listening comprehension.

-Print this file (click here)

-Listen to the song and do the activities. You also have to complete the bubbles! 
(click here)

Share the song with your family!

We will be sending new activities on Friday 3rd. See you! 💗