Week 1
- Do the following activities from the students´book "Now I know".
- Pages 12 and 13. Unit 1, reading 2: “Here we come!”
the text and underline the words you don´t know. Look them up in the dictionary
and make a list.
- Page 14 Reading comprehension. Activities 1 and 2.
- Page 14 Listening. Activity 5 (click here)
- Grammar (Simple past, irregular verbs) Print and do (click here)
- Writing. Print and do (click here)
Week 2
- Do the following activities from the students´book "Now I know".
- Page 16. Watch part 1 of the video again. Do activities 1, 2, 4.
- Page 17 do activities 5 and 6.
- Literature: read chapter 1 from "Rumble in the jungle" again and read chapter 2. Underline the words and expressions you don't know. Use the dictionary if necessary.